Project Proposals

Carbon Offset Project Guidelines

Colorado carbon offset projects must be registered with a verified carbon standard. They must also meet the following criteria to be considered for Colorado Carbon Fund support:

  • Local. All projects must be located in Colorado. Projects can be privately or publicly owned.

  • Direct. Projects must reduce or remove emissions from one or more of the six greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride). Projects must reduce emissions at the site where they are implemented by reducing or displacing the use of fossil fuels. Projects must also demonstrate clear ownership of the emissions reductions, therefore projects that reduce or displace grid electricity are not considered because they result in indirect emission reductions which may cause ownership and double counting concerns

  • Scalable. We only invest in projects and methodologies that have the potential to be replicated.

Project Preferences

Although the Colorado Carbon Fund is interested in a variety of clean technologies, we have a preference for projects related to the following:

  • Soil Carbon
  • Biosequestration (e.g. Holistic Land Management)
  • Grasslands Preservation
  • Anaerobic digestion
  • Biomass

Quick Start Guide to Submitting Proposals

Step 1: Submit an initial proposal to “[email protected]”. In this three-page form, project developers request an amount of funding and quantify the project’s greenhouse gas reductions.

Step 2: Submit a detailed proposal. Pending approval, in this formal proposal, project developers describe the project’s timeline, financing, and major risks, and attach a Pro Forma.

Step 3: Negotiate a contract. For projects that pass our due diligence, an Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement will be negotiated with project developers. This contract vehicle establishes such key terms as ownership of the project’s emission reductions, price, the timing of the payment, and provisions in case the project underperforms.

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